
  • Category: Web Design & Development
  • Client: Rue 127
  • Responsibilities: Responsive Web Design, Content Strategy Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Demo URL:

Project Overview

Creating a website for a New Orleans restaurant like Rue 127 was an exciting and fulfilling project. This marked my first foray into the realm of restaurant website design. To ensure its success, I followed a well-structured process that encompassed content management and content design. Here's an expanded account of the steps I took:

To kick off the project, I began by immersing myself in the world of restaurant websites. I conducted comprehensive research to understand industry standards, emerging design trends, and what works best for similar businesses.

With insights from my research, I crafted a sitemap for Rue 127's website. This map served as a blueprint for organizing the site's content, ensuring that visitors could easily access the information they needed.

After finalizing the sitemap, I moved on to creating wireframes. These wireframes laid the foundation for the website's layout and basic design elements. It allowed me to sketch out the placement of key elements like the menu, reservation system, and other important sections.

The next step was defining the visual identity of the website. I carefully selected a color scheme, typography, and other design elements that harmonized with Rue 127's brand. This design needed to convey the unique charm and personality of the restaurant while maintaining a modern, user-friendly aesthetic.

One of the focal points of the project was ensuring that the menu was easily navigable. I placed a strong emphasis on user-centric design, making it effortless for visitors to explore the menu and find the dishes they desire. Additionally, I implemented a streamlined reservation system to enhance the user experience.

To guarantee a seamless and functional website, I conducted user testing. This process involved real individuals navigating the website, providing valuable feedback, and uncovering any potential issues or pain points. Based on this feedback, I made the necessary adjustments to refine the website's functionality.

The result of this meticulous process is a fully functional and visually appealing website that caters to Rue 127's brand identity and its customers' needs. You can explore a demo version of the website above to get a feel for the final product. It was indeed a fun project that combined research, design, and user-centric thinking to create a standout digital presence for this New Orleans restaurant.